For generations society's architects have manufactured massive industrial techno-scapes that rapidly displaced any previous world that stood in the way. Surely it was for the best, for intellectual and economic advancement, they reasoned, as they justified this unchecked growth by calling every venture "progress". Of course, that label successfully deflected criticism. Yet what if "progress" no longer implies improvement, but violation? (After all, a cancer also "progresses".) What if, despite what we thought were our best efforts, a terrible soul sickness grips millions on this menacing, over-engineered planet that no longer supports human, or even biological values? And so we are left to lament the loss of what we can scarcely remember in detail: a community of vital selves in a vital place. It is this grim, mechanical dystopia that artists, Jacqueline Moses, Kathy Weaver and Paul Sierra confront in "Throes of Progress."